Sunday, February 14, 2016

Migrants, magnisium deficiency, supplements and a recipe

It is surprising how many people suffer from migrants in Amerca nowadays. My huband has various headaches since I met him. I haven't had any problem with headaches growing up but have been getting regular headaches since I had my first boy seven years ago. I used to think it was some kind of allegry and it starts on either side of the temple and then goes to that side of the eye and  I get pain and sort of a burning/heat sensention. Sometimes I can see my eyelid getting swallon. However after doing some research it appears that it is actually a migrant, though mine was never too sever.

Anyway, during online search one day I found that one of the most common cause of migrate is megnisum deficiency. I've heard about the commonness of megnisum deficiency nowadays due to the uses of pestersides, like roundup, and have got some supplements for hubby, So I started using this homemade magnesium oil on my body. For the next two weeks or so of using it, I had had no headaches at all. Then I ran out and forgot to make it for another week. Then I woke up with a headache one morning. So I got up and make a bottle and put some on the side of the head where the pain was. Within half an hour the pain was gone. I was so happy and now I knew for sure I've found the solution for my problem! I've since started taking a oral supplement and also been using the magnesium oil on my body and haven't had a headache since.

So here is the supplement I take orally, after much research. It also helps with sleep greatly. It is pure and natural, no additives and is very gentle on the digestive track.

 As for the magnisum oil. You can buy it premade, or you can make it at home which is a lot cheaper in the long run. I make my own by mixing equal amount of magnisum flakes(see link below for the kind I use and have had great result), and boiling distilled water. Wait until completely disolved and then either put in a spray bottle, or in my case I put it in a glass dropper bottle. Applied topically on the skin, preferably after a shower. Warning start slow and use a few spray to start with, or you may experience some stomach discomfort.

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